Allowance Pay Criteria

1.Candidates’ unable to attend interview venue before 12:00 PM.

2.Candidates’ skill set & Achievement is not matched with Job.

3.Candidates’ CV data is not proper and clear.

4.Candidates’ failure to achieve pass mark in written exam. 5.Candidates’ failure to attend face to face exam & Role paly session

CV Rejection Criteria

1.Candidates’ Experience is not clear

2.Candidates’ skill set & Achievement is not matched with Job post.

3.Candidates’ CV data is not proper and clear

4.Candidates’ unclear , old  picture

Role play sheet for understanding roleplay, How to perform, and our expectations from roleplay.

Role-playing in a sales interview involves simulating a sales scenario where the interviewer or recruiter plays the role of a potential client or customer, and the interviewee (the sales candidate) demonstrates their sales skills by engaging in a mock sales pitch or handling objections.

A.Product Demonstration Role-PlayScenario:You are a sales representative demonstrating a new building chemical product to a potential client.

B.Handling Objections Role-PlayScenario:You are a salesperson selling a high quality with high price, and the customer raises objections about the price and the value proposition. Your task is to address these objections and convince the customer of the product's worth.

C.Negotiation Role-Play Scenario:You are negotiating a contract with a client who is pushing for a lower price. Your task is to negotiate terms that are favourable to both parties while maintaining the value of your product or service.